A Tuan 应用

Shooting Game in Space
A Tuan
Earth is going to be invaded by evil alien spaceship, star-ship andunidentified flying object from outer space. Fortunately, you arethe best pilot in the galaxy. Your mission is very simple which isto protect our planet (Earth) by destroying all of the asteroidsand alien spaceships. Stay alive by avoiding shots and collisionfrom the alien spaceship(s) or spacecraft(s). In order to get tothe next level, you must destroy at least 95% of the asteroids andalien spaceships. In each level, if all of the asteroids and alienspaceships is destroyed, a bonus space ship or spacecraft is added.In level 17 and up, your space ship has extra firing power. Itshoots three weapons simultaneously. Android TVremote/D-pad/Game-pad Controller Instruction: Use the arrow keys tomove the spacecraft to the left, right, up and down. The spacecraftfires the weapon when the center or 'A' button is pressed. AndroidPhone/Tablet/Touch screen: Slide right/left/up/down: The spacecraftmoves to the right/left/front/bottom. Touch or tap on the screen:The spacecraft fires the weapon. Keyboard Instruction: Use thearrow keys to move the spacecraft to the left, right, up and down.The spacecraft fires the weapon when the left 'Ctrl' button ispressed.